Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mindless working

My days have in some ways, taken a turn for the "worst".
Am currently doing some volunteer work, which has really tight timelines, and I feel like I am back to consulting.
While it is true that I fail to manage my time properly, I really think that I have less time for myself.

And due to the work, I am like back into the grindmill...working like mad...argh.
I dont mind the work, or the time spent. I am taking issue with my own mindless working!

Everytime I start to do work of any sort, I forget to breathe. Forget to be present, and forget to do work mindfully.
(It's kind of a hard concept, but I believe it is achieveable, tho I am still working hard at it)

Mindful mindful mindful

Monday, April 27, 2009

Vesak is coming...

I am so happy that Vesak is coming soon...
a great opportunity to practice

Good lesson on Attachment

I have always wondered....why is it that i typically have no stand on most things/issues. I do have strong opinions on some, but I rarely rise up to the occassion to take a stand. And whenever asked "What do you think?", I will be tongue-tied or have nothing in my brain to contribute.

Is my mind not working at all? Or are there other reasons behind it?

It has come to my notice that the lack of attachment might be the driving force behind all that. Generally speaking, I am not attached to alot of things/issues. It doesnt really bother me what happens, or who wins the election, etc. Why should I care? Or worst, be attached to the outcome!

Coming from the Buddhism point of view, this is good (I suppose). It's not that I really dont care. It's more of the outcome is not important to me, hence I dont place any emphasis on them. Which is good, because than I wont be affected by all the on-goings, the negativities, the fights, etc. My emotions will not be controlled by the happenings. I will still be at peace with myself.

I have just been given one of the best lessons in my life! Amituofo

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Christmas lights in April

There was a strong gale last night. Heard over the radio this morning that people have been calling the hotlines.

Anyway, I saw Christmas lights last night.
Looking out from my window, I have the view of trees and other residential building around. And when the wind started its strong assault, I noticed lights blinking in the distance. And I thought to myself, how come there are christmas lights hanging on that tree now.

On closer observation, I realised that the wind was so strong, that the tree was shaking, and the christmas lights that i saw, were actually the lights from the residences, popping out from behind the tree. Flicking as the leaves and branches sway....

And I was reminded of a Zen Koan.
There was a flag flying in the wind on the flag pole.
So was it the flag that was moving, or the wind that was moving....

It was a lovely view. Flickering lights in April, on a windy and lovely night

To go or not to go - Plum Village

I feel so silly. I am been spending time pondering over my decision to attend the summer retreat in Plum Village.
There is still no decision yet, but I know I would love to go.

Yet I constrain myself by worrying about finances, by having to plan each and every step of the trip. All that even when I have yet to decide.

What a perfect waste of time and energy.

I don't know

Do you expect your teachers to reply a "I dont know" when you post them a question?
But how can you be sure that the teacher has an answer, or that it is the correct answer?
Wont it be better or ethical for the teacher to reply "I dont know" instead of trying to provide an answer to you?

We give our teachers all the respect, because they have the knowledge and has been learning and sharing. But it doesnt necessarily mean that they have all the answers....
It is our expectations of them that translate into us believing and needing them to provide all the answers.

Maybe it will be better for us to seek the answers ourselves.

Or maybe it is high time that we understand that teachers are also human, and that they should not be judged based on our expectations.

Better still, we should rid ourselves of all expectations. Than we will live a simpler and happier life.

By the way, the same can be applied to bosses too!!!

Rules of Engagement

Game rules versus Universal Laws

Just thought of an interesting way to view our "reality". [Of course this would depend on your perspective on almost everything, but it was an interesting thought.]

Have been wondering recently, how best to integrate New Age teachings with Buddhism. Are they mutally exclusive? Or inter-related? How would you picture them as part of a Venn diagram?

It occurred to me that New Age teachings could potentially be a subset of the Universal Laws, or the ultimate reality. I tend to view New Age as Game rules nowadays.

Meaning we exist in this "world", but have no idea/concept of the Truth or ultimate reality. But this "world" also has its own set of rules and laws to abide by.
It is as if we are playing a board game. We fully comprehend the rules of the game, and we abide by it. But outside of the game, we might or might not be fully in touch with the rules of life.

Does it make sense to you? It does to me, in some convoluted way.
Of course, there isn't a real need to integrate them... *shrugs* whatever

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Karma means Action!

Read somewhere that the word Karma actually means Action.

When you think about it, it does make sense. There is cause and effect, action and re-action.
When you do something (action), it will bring about something else (re-action). So simply put. There is just ACTION.

That might be what karma really is.
So assuming that karma means action, what does it mean to your life?

Can i say that it means that action will never stop?

Yes, because every single action will lead to an re-action, which might lead to another re-action, and so now.

But if there is actually an end point for each action, like a wave that reaches the shore, where it is stopped (somewhat), than, there might be means to stop or reduce the re-action.

What we (pple who believe in karma) should do, is to change and find means to reduce/stop the re-action from happening (provided the re-action is a negative one). There must be the understanding and belief that your karma can be changed/improved for the better. To do/achieve good action that will stop or reduce the impact of the wave. To plant the seeds of good karma (like a coconut), so that when your wave of negative karma comes along, the impact will be reduced by the presence of the coconut tree. [maybe mangrove trees might be a better example]

In short, think about the re-action before each and every action!

I am still attached

I should have (and still want to) beaten myself up for missing a great opportunity.

I gave up that opportunity because I was still attached. Attached to the false promises of this world, attached to my conditioned love, attached to a learnt and conditioned truth.

Why was I so silly and said WAIT. Wait till i have my affairs in order. Will it ever be in order? Does it even matter if it wasn't in order?

ARGH....the stupidest decision of my own lifetime!

Practicing is so much joy - Smile

Read somewhere that practicing is actually a joy. And I fully agree with that, thought it took that article to "remind" me of that fact.

what can be more enjoyable than sitting (or standing, etc) down to practice. the peace and stillness of the mind that can be achieved as a result. the realisation that there is only this moment, and that nothing else matters, especially all our work troubles, etc....

now i sit with a smile = )

Strong practice comes from Strong Faith & Strong Aspiration

Enough said

Friday, April 17, 2009

There is no Good or Bad

People always ask: Do you want the good news or bad news first?
Master Wu Gui from Kungfu Panda said: There is only news. There is no good or bad.

Do you accept and agree? Is it possible for news to not be good or bad? Well, there is neutral news, I guess, but that is coz we have the need to categorise.

But in reality, is there a need to categorise. We categorise everything in our lives. Skinny, fat, tall, short, rich, poor....the list can go on. Is there duality in everything? What about the greys?

Anyway, to put it simply, and look at it from only the black and white perspective, why should something be good or bad. What is it actually that we are attributing the goodness or badness to? There is a lack of inherent existence, so how can any "thing" be good or bad?

Use for example a watch. What is good about that watch? The needles, the quartz crystal, the strap or the face? We do not tend to distinguish so much when we say that that is a good watch. but it does warrant thought, because the watch is not just merely a watch. A watch is thus named due to the need for a label. A label for humans to classify. A watch is so much more. The sum of its components. So is it the sum that is good? But isn't the goodness due to its components? So the sum isn't good???

The sum in this case isnt real, as the watch by itself has no "substance". It is just a label, still made up of its individual components.

The watch, and everything (possibly) on this earth/world/universe, are all interdependent. Dependent on its components. And those components are dependent on other components. Hence we and everything around us, are interdependent.

So why should we tag a good or bad to anything if it is all inter-related? There will be no good or bad if there were no comparisons.

there is only news. there is no good or bad...

Why did the Buddha not stay longer?

Why why why?
Was that even a question that I had pondered on?

Do we take for granted what we already have? Esp those around us, the material items that we have in our lives?
What if the day comes when handphones are no longer available? Would we treasure our current phone since we cant upgrade it every few months with newer models?

Why does it take the death of a family member to remind you to show your love and appreciation?
Such is human nature.

The Buddha was wise in leaving, before we become dependent on his presence. Before we took the Dharma for granted.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My precious human life

It some ways, this is a continuation of the entry: Attitude of Gratitude, but from a slightly different perspective.

When you review your life, you might find that there are all the right conditions. Right conditions for the study of Dharma, for the practice and application of Dharma in your life, for the chance to be reborn in the Buddha's Pureland.
What more can you ask for?

Those who are humans and who have had the chance to come in contact with the Dharma, should make full use of this chance. This chance that might not be present in your next lifetime. This chance of seeking and moving forward on your path towards englightenment, out of cyclic existence.

I am very thankful for my precious human life. I have all the right conditions in my life. Including financial security to a certain extent, such that I can learn and live the Dharma. I fully comprehend that this kind of opportunity is not offered/available to the most.

Take advantage to fully pursue the Dharma!

Two mirrors reflect each other

That was a Zen koan...
which I have yet to ponder on.

But it reminded me of something from Kungfu Panda. The Dragon Scroll, which turned out to be only a reflective surface.

Poh (?) asked: How do you make me not me?
[When told that he is the Dragon Warrior, even when he has no kungfu background]

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I speak too fast

Originally wanted to title it: "Do I speak too fast?". Than I decided to change it to the above, since I believe that I do speak too fast, such that my enuciation is way off most of the time. I really should learn to speak slower.

Anyway, the whole point is, I tend to rush through my speech in fear that I would forget what I wanted to say. Or maybe I just wanted to get it over and done with. I dont quite like to talk, if you have yet to realise.

But that is not the point in life. Rushing every moment and always thinking about the next step, the next destination. In such a manner, I am missing out on what is happening in the here and now.

Stay present. Speak clearly.

"My" Pureland Journey - Part 2

There was a reason why I left the My in the title in inverted commas.

Most would think that it is my journey, and hence doesnt required the highlight or exception, etc. But is that the truth? If you have read my entry on Anatta, you might understand why it is not really My journey.

In some ways it is my journey, and in some ways, the use of My is wrong.
If there is no inherent existence, than there is no my...

So what of this journey that "I" am making? It is also a journey to learn to not see the "I".

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happiness is in their faces

Attended another Amitabha Retreat on Sat. It was led by Venerable Thubten Chodron.

At the end of the retreat, I went to offer dana and give my thanks to the Venerable.
The smile that was on her face was marvelous! It makes you wonder why we cant be like that. It's a smile that can brighten up anyone's day, and tells you that I am totally happy and have peace in my heart....

What would I give for that frame of mind...

"My" Pureland Journey - Part 1

I went for an Amitabha Retreat with Mani Rinpoche in Nov? 08
I felt really in touch/resonated with the mantra...
And during the retreat, I could actually feel that I was in a Pureland of sorts, where others were also chanting along. It was then, that I realised that Amitabha's Pureland is my home.

I have always felt out of place on this earth, as if I didnt belong, etc. So if was really a bliss to be able to "identify"my home.

and that set me on my path/journey towards Amitabha's Western Pureland. of course there were other encouraging factors along the way...

i have quitted my job, and started to devote my time to buddhism studies/practices. long way more to go, but i am 100% sure that i will get there, in the very near future. no need to wait till Maitreya Buddha comes to be enlightened.

it is really a joy to be able to come into contact with the Dharma, and the more i learn about it, the more joy and peace i find in my life.

it is thru our ignorance that life becomes suffering

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Do not fight

It is human nature to fight the negativities.
But I want to share that we do not need to fight the negative energy. Instead, we can treat it as a friend.

Every often (if not all the time), our worry is self imposed. It is like the rocking chair verse.
Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives us something to do, but gets us nowhere.
When you fight worry, you end up worrying more. In the end, uncertainty would still win, because you are not "fighting" it the right way. When you treat uncertainty as a friend, as something that is to be expected, to be faced, to be treated well, the battle is already won, because you cut down the negative thoughts that you might have towards them, and you are actively doing something, doing it mindfully.

The real fight however, is to exit from your comfort zone. The zone that everyone/everything else has predefined for you.

I am not sure how to put it down in words, but due to society, culture, language, etc, the resulting expectations that we have, be it for life, family, fulfilment, are false and meaningless. Our expectations are associated with the wrong needs.

We think we need more money, more status, higher prestige. These are all taught by the society. But is that truly our needs? All of the above would not give you happiness that is long-lasting, because you will never reach the pinnacle.
When you get a pay rise, you would think it is still not enough, and would drive yourself to achieve the next level. So when will you get the happiness that you have attributed to that final paycheck?

When you can view the real reality of your comfort zone, you may than decide to fight it, to step out of it, and to look for your own real world...And may the real fight begin

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Uncertainty and Impermanence

Besides being mindful, how can we deal with uncertainty?

If we understand the concept of impermanence, than the "problem" is solved. From a more scientific angle, change is the only constant. Once that is accepted, there is no need to "deal" with uncertainty!

Uncertainty is a fact of life. Why fear what is a fact, or worry about it unnecessarily?

Sound of music - Spontaneity in life

Watched a youtube video, where the crowd in the Antwerp Station (Belgium) was dancing to the tune of Do-Re-Mi (Sound of Music). While I am not sure if it was a promotional video of any sort, the video touched me deeply.

When was the last time you gave in to impulse, and joined into the spontaneity of life? Ignored the disregard from passerby, the "ruin" of your reputation, to join in something so fun and enjoyable, that can make the smile and happiness last the whole day?

We live our lives for ourselves, not others, and we need not judge ourselves as if others have already judged us.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Uncertainty is good

People often wonder how to deal with uncertainty. But would you agree with me if I say that uncertainty is actually good for us? [It is actually circular tho]

Because uncertainty creates mindfulness. Because when you do not know what will be happening next, you will always be mindful. Uncertainty can be transformed simply by living in the present. When you live in the present, than there is no fear of the future, no fear of the uncertain. You have control over the present moment, over each and every moment in which you are mindful.

You can transform uncertainty simply by living in the present...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I want to go NOW!

to pureland....
we dont always have to wait till our "deathbed"