"How, at this moment, do I interpret myself?"
Am currently reading the Essence of Tibetan Buddhism by Lama Thubten Yeshe, and I was captivated (if I may say thus) by the statement above. [Lama was sharing about Renunciation, Bodhicitta and Shunyata]
And that is the question that I want to pose to you. At this moment in time, WHO are you, and how will you interpret or define or describe yourself.
watashiwa seow yuin des. I graduated from NUS Arts, with a major in Psychology, and was doing market research work. I am currently pursuing buddhism studies and wish to gain more wisdom. I am married and society would/can label as a DINK (double income, no kids).
Is that how you would have interpreted yourself? Or have you thought more in terms of souls, the Self, your religion?
Actually, it matters not how you have interpreted, or answered the question. Because everything is influx, and the only constant is change. The Seow Yuin that is writing this today, might become a different person tomorrow, and the definition would have changed. In this case, what is real?
What seems real to our eyes might not be real. What is real to our senses, to our definition of the world, of the society, might also not be real. So is there "real"? Or is there "fake"?
to be continued....
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