Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Impermanence - after death belongings

"What do you bring with you after you die?"
That is a common enough question that people will get you to ponder on, about the direction and meaning of your life.

Depending on your perspective, it can go along the "money and external objects are not something that means much to me, or that i can bring with me after death, or that people will not remember me for how much i have earned, etc" lines

Or similarly, it can be reflected in terms of impermanence.
Upon death, nothing of yours is yours. Not even your body. (This is definitely an Universal truth) That being the case, is there a need to be attached to material objects, to your identity, to your body? When viewed from a broader perspective, one will realise that everything that is seen, touched, heard, tasted, enjoyed, etc, means nothing when you pass on. If you can understand that fundamental truth, and hence live your life in accordance, ie understand that all is not "real", hence there isn't the need to be obsessed with "anything", life can be a more peaceful and happy one, and you would be one step nearer to enlightenment.

when you take time out of your busy life to meditate/think about impermanence, you will gain more insight into your life
, as well as more joy and peace

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