Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Continuum of moments

If Present has already past, than it is no longer the Present.
Hence there is no Past, Present or Future, because each moment in time cannot be label. It will not stay static in time for us to label it as such.

In such a case, why is there a need to label, or be concerned about the past, or what is to come?
It is only a single moment. And it is already over as I type.

Our Consciousness is also moments. It is "made" up of moments after moments after moments. A never-ending continuum of moments.

The best advice to give, is to just be in each and every moment. Cherish it and bask in it. Moment by moment

Thursday, May 21, 2009

You are what you eat

How true is that statement? Maybe from a scientific, nutritional angle, it is true.

But from a wider spiritual angle, it is even more true!

I have been reading and learning about dependent origination. [it's sort of linked with the lack of inherent existence]

Think about it. Every mouthful of rice that you eat. How did it come about? It did not miraculously appear in front of you, cooked and ready to be digested.

There were so much, so many involved. Starting from the kitchen helper who cooked the rice, the counter lady who sold the meal, the delivery man who sent the rice, the rice factory staff, the farmers, the cows/horse/donkey who pulled the plough, the sun, the rain, the worms, the soil, even the many generations before of the people involved. Without their great great great...grandparents, the farmer would not be there to farm, to harvest the rice, etc.

If you can view everything in this manner, you would understand that you are not you. You did not make you. You are dependent on numerous (even millions) others who gave/provided you what you have, or wanted. It is not only you. Without those who fed your parents (another big cycle of the many many involved), where would you be?

From another perspective, we are nothing in this big universe, and so dependent on everything and everyone. Yet we think that we are different.

Yet we think that we are special. How faulty is that logic?

Can your eyes see your eyes?

Without a mirror, the above cannot be done.

So do we have eyes???
Yet we think/know that we have eyes? Hm, interesting logic isnt it. How do you know something that you cant see, but yet still believe in it wholeheartedly?

This is all about perceived reality. A reality that we think is real, but which might not be the case.

The eyes that can see, but cannot see itself.
So is it real?

The most disgusting thing

Venerable shared a story about a fellow monk who was on a cruise and interviewed by some comedy show host on "What is the most disgusting thing in life"

And the monk answered "Who are you" three times to the host, confusing the poor chap who kept repeating that he was so-and-so from Channel 56 doing a comedy show...

Who are you before you were born and your parents gave you your name?
And quite naturally, the host answered "I dont know"

We dont really know who we are, yet we think that we do. Are you your name? Or your body?
There is so much emphasis on our identity, but is that even accurate?
Who/What is the I that is speaking or reading this?

"I think therefore I am" - Descartes
You think, therefore you exist. But where does that thinking come from?

The most disgusting thing is not knowing who you are, but thinking that you do!

How do we know if we are progressing

The Q&A section was marvelous!

It was so like Singaporeans to ask, how do we know if we are doing it right, and progressin on our spiritual practice/path.

And the Venerable answered using the Heart Sutra. (paraphrased)
"There is no attainment with nothing to attain"

It need not always be just like it was in school. The chasing of grades and achievement. The need to know how well we are doing.

Practice comes from the heart, and the heart is humble and not comparing itself to others, simply because there is nothing to compare, and that we are all one and the same.

A must visit place - Crematorium

Before his talk (or maybe upon arrival), Ven Hyon Gak Sunim was given a tour around KMSPKS.
And he shared that his "favourite" Dharma Hall was the Crematorium.

It was an interesting (but right) perspective. When you really reflect on it, the crematorium is a showcase of impermanence, of death, and of non-attachment. Besides a cemetary, it might be the only place where those lessons can be driven home into you.

Gazing at the rows upon rows of tablets/urns of ashes, one cant help but ask oneself if that is it at the end of the day? Just an urn of ashes. Whatever happened to your wealth, to your body, to your career, to your house, or to your car???

There is truly nothing that you can take away with you. And no way to foretell when you are going to die. Since that is the case, why are we still so attached to the material, to the sensual pleasures, to those around us?

There is only just THIS SINGLE moment. No past, no future, and even the present is already the past, for it has passed.

MUST LISTEN: The importance of Finding our True Nature

Dharma talk by Ven Hyon Gak Sunim, held 2008 at KMSPKS
The free distribution copy of the talk (MP3) format can be found. (Or get it from me)

It's a very interesting topic, and he is a superb speaker!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Long long way home


I cant bear to watch Korean F4

The lastest big thing is the Korean F4 show that is airing on Channel U on Sats.

I was getting all ready to settle down and watch the show last Sat, when my brother injected a comment.
That the female lead, was the Korean actress that committed suicide due to pressure from the mafia.

Upon hearing that, my heart sank. I recalled reading the media articles on that, not that I paid a lot of attention. I deliberately ignored those articles, as I couldnt take the pain and sadness should I read more.

What in life could be so hard, that you would want to end your life? I totally can understand the despair, the bottom of the dumps feeling. And I felt pain for her. And regret that her life should end thus.

The irony is, I doubt the teenage girls watching the show would either realise the fact, or even be bothered by it. Their focus would be on the pretty boys and the beautiful scenery....

And thus, there goes one life. But fair enough, there are plenty more dying as I write, and they might not even be noted or remarked upon. As I grow older, the Obituary pages are something that I do read. To remind myself of the suffering in this world, and to pray that they have moved on to a happier plane.

I am still tempted to watch the show, but I feel nauseous just thinking of it.

I am arrogant

A common thread, which I have still yet to correct.
Argh. What should I do with my arrogance???

The negative impact/karma of it is great!

Hear, think and meditate unwavering night and day
On metta, compassion, joy and equanimity

Breathing is suffering

With each breath that I take, I suffer

I suffer because:
I was born in pain
I am aging continously
I can and will fall sick
I will die
I do not always get what I want
I can be separated from my loved ones anytime
I am often associated with people I do not like
My body and Mind is not pure

Hence I suffer always, and until the "end of time"

Sakyamuni Buddha is jobless

Was in a Buddhism class on Monday, and the Venerable shared that Sakyamuni Buddha is jobless. Which obviously made sense after she explained it.

Sakyamuni Buddha is our teacher in this "world", as most of the other enlightened beings are from "ancient times".
It was he who taught/shared about Amitabha Buddha, about Guan Yin, about Maitreya, and the other Buddhas/Bodhisattvas, etc.

But now that we know about the ancient buddhas, we pray to them, and cultivate based on their practices. So what has happened to Sakyamuni Buddha???

On retrospect, while he might be jobless now, it was a worthwhile thing, as the knowledge of the wisdom and compassion of the ancient buddhas is priceless. And I respect him for teaching that which is not "related" to him.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Walking like 陈默默

Recently tried to start walking more mindfully. With the proper steps, heel to ball (of the feet), heel to ball.
As a result, I realised/thought that I was walking like 陈默默 from 爱就宅一起.

She is a girl who sort of live in her own world, and walks with her nose in a book. In any case, that was a sidetrack, tho I smile to myself when I am walking mindfully, coz I am reminded of her.

I suppose when we really are walking mindfully, that we are oblivious to the happenings around us, rather similiar to the nose in a book. But they are "pre-occupied" with the book and walking at the same time. How do you give of your all to the book if your mind is in 2 places?

While I enjoy the inside joke (only to me) of walking like her, I would never want to do so mindlessly.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Different perspective

How do you view yourself?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What can you live without?

Are there any things that you can live without?
Of course, why should we give up any thing that doesnt need to be given up?

I am at a point in life where I can live without any thing. Or maybe to say that I can give up any thing. Nothing in my life (material wise) is that important that i must die to have.

It is not a question of what you can give up. But the underlying attachment to the material.

Looking out of the window...

I smile to myself and thank the universe that i am alive and able to enjoy this moment.
I really find joy and am happy that i am alive.

There is no point in working hard to purchase a condo or bungalow if you do not have the time to stop and look out of your window!

I am the lowest of them all

Not to be mistaken; I do not see myself as pond scum.
But the importance of having a humble attitude.

In terms of spiritual practice, the ego shouldnt never come into play/existence. We should always have a humble attitude and view others as more spiritually mature and advanced as us.

If your reply/thought to this post is: "But I have practiced more/longer/harder, etc", you have already put yourself down. Because a true practitioner would never compare, and would be happy for their peers and their achievements. If you profess to wanting to help all sentient beings, you would find joy in their practice and the issue of comparison would never arise...

Can you see the big picture?

Sometimes I think that there are 2 ways to live.
To live mindfully in the present, and yet at the same time, realise that it is all about the Big Picture (which actually sounds counter to mindful living)

It might contradict, but it appears clear to me. Maybe coz I am one of those who ans "Yes and No" to questions, and happen to be able to see both sides of the coin.

Technically, living mindfully means not worrying about the future, because if you can have happiness in each and every moment by being present, there is no need to worry about tomorrow.
While that is true, and we have no need to worry about the future, what we can do is to make sure that tomorrow will be a good day. And the way to ensure this is to practice and sow good seeds of love and compassion. In this way, we would also have a view of the big picture.

The big picture also tells a story where happiness is fleeting. You can smile at a thought, but the next moment, the thought has passed and the joy is gone. (Hopefully u were mindful in that moment of happiness)

Fleeting happiness is not something that all can accept, nor understand. We tend to try to hang on to happiness in whatever ways we can, not realising that that is all for nothing. And that is the big picture I hope you can see.

Happy shopping

Just to share for fun. I went shopping yesterday, and I came home very very satisfied. Coz I finally got what I wanted.

It took us some time and effort to hunt it down, but when it was seen, the immediate joy and happiness was overwhelming and exciting.

Is this how we should feel when we see Amituofo?
Is there a parallel to be drawn?

To push it, maybe.

The effort and time spend on finding the right item (which happened to be a Amituofo statue) can be seen as our spiritual practice. At the end of the day, when you find the correct statue, the joy is .......wow!
As long as we are willing to spend time and effort on our daily practices, it is a matter of time before we can see Amituofo in his Pureland!

Have fun shopping ; )

Monday, May 11, 2009

Your options - WIP

This is a work-in-progress blog entry.
I just wanted to list down all the options that human beings might have in this lifetime. (pardon if i got anything wrong, but this is just my viewpoint/understanding)
Of course it would be dependent on some of your fundamental beliefs, but I should think it is a "good" reference point.

Let's start with some ground "rules"/fundamentals.
Assumption: Belief in cyclic existence in Samsara
(meaning we are continously being reborn in Samsara. Eg. you are a human this lifetime. but when you die, you might return as a human or animal, or ghost, etc, depending on your karma)

For human beings in Samsara, there are new age teachings that you can apply to make your "world"/time here a better place.

New Age - Law of Attraction, Power of Now, Miracles
Just to briefly explain, the law of attraction is simply the strong belief that what you want/can visual, etc, will be yours. Meaning you attract to you what you want. The power of now (if i understood correctly, is actually similiar to mindfulness), shares the concept of living in the NOW. Miracles can happen everyday, but you must know how to "seek and receive" them.
While new age concepts can make your life a much better one in the here and now, it doesnt address what will happen after you die.

Or like me, you can subscribe to Buddhism teachings
Buddhism - Mindfulness, Living in the Present, Purity of Mind
When you live life with mindfulness, you are actually living in the present, in each single moment. When you do that, you will cease to worry about tomorrow, and be able to fully enjoy that precious moment. Mindfulness can also be used as a reminder that life is impermanent. We should not assume that there will always be a tomorrow for us. When we do so, we are not enjoying life the way it should be. When you live in the present, nothing much can faze you anymore, and you will have peace and calmness in your life, and move towards the purity of mind. Because alot of concepts in life, is actually conditioned, or taught to you. but when we can rise above all that, our mind will be pure, and with it comes happiness and peace.

One mainstream concept is that of Gratitude. When you have an attitude of Gratitude, you will be more appreciative of everything, take less for granted, or even require less. Because you have already been given so much. Even a lousy experience can give you something (lessons/experience). A grateful mindset will bring you more joy in your daily life, esp when you cease to compare yourself with others and keep wanting more. In the contest to get more, you will never attain happiness, because you will be forever chasing, and not resting to enjoy what you already have!

With an attitude of gratitude, and with mindfulness, there will come purity of mind. And if you have a religion, you can strive towards spiritual cultivation/attainment.

In this current day and time, it is hard to achieve (in Buddhism terms), enlightenment. To achieve Nirvana, and see the ultimate reality as the truth it is.

We were taught that 1 + 1 = 2. But is that really the case? Which genius/scientist/mathematician said so???? And even if he/she did, who is to say that he is right?

While it is not easy to attain enlightenment, there are still methods. The Pureland tradition is one, whereby there is a shortcut/"halfway house" for practitioners to go to, to cultivate in peace and without distraction.

When I get there, I will be able to answer 1 + 1 = ?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Is your faith strong enough?

This has nothing to do with my other entry on Angels & Demons.

This is about me, and my faith/trust in Amituofo.

I asked a question, and got an answer. But I doubted the answer.
So I wondered why. Why did I doubt?

Did I not trust him, or i didn't trust myself? (Does that question even make sense?)

Somewhere along the line, I realised it might be because I was still attached. Attached to what is happening around me, attached to the way I think the answer should be delivered. Attached to the answer itself.

When you have faith, you should already know the correct answer. What is left to do is to "Just do it"

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Religion vs Science - Angels & Demons

The movie "Angels & Demons" will be out soon. I just reread the book recently, and it got me thinking about the Religion vs Science issue.

But is there a need to have such a clear distinction? why cant both coexist?

Personally, I am all for Science. Simply because it explains (or try to prove) most (if not all) of the phenomenons.
I am not against faith, but blind faith that is not based on love or any moral/values is a big no-no for me.

I accept all religion on the basis that they teach all to do good and to show love and compassion to other beings.

What is it that we need most in this time and age?
Religion? Or Science?
Your guess is as good as mine.

Monday, May 4, 2009

I have to vs I choose to

Attended a talk by Venerable Thubten Chodron. She was sharing about the choices we have in our lives.
People tend to think that they are not given a choice in life.... but that mindset is not too positive. Because no matter what, you do HAVE a choice in life (even if you dont see it, or think otherwise)

You might think that you hate your job, but you still have to go to work.
My question to you is: WHO is making you go to work?
You are! No one is forcing you to go to work. You choose to submit yourself to the endless working hours in order to get something in return. No one is pointing a gun at your head every morning to force you to go to work!
You have a choice. You can choose NOT to go to work. Than you might ask/say, but I need the money.

Well, why dont you simply change your job for instance? Why keep complaining and thinking that you have no choice?

Truly, in life, we all have choices. but for some reasons, we might choose not to see the options in front of us. maybe because they are not obvious enough, or because you do not even view them as an option. But there always is a CHOICE! You just need to be open to it.

So instead of saying I have to go to work, you should frame it as I choose to go to work. (Which will be 100% the truth). And you will feel more at peace with yourself, because you know you have the choice. And you can always leave your job anytime!

Old movies rerun

Why do you like to watch movie reruns? Or why do you watch the same movie over and over again?
Maybe because you like to live in that moment. But is that moment a happy one? Based on personal experience, the movie that we keep rewatching, need not be a happy one. It might even bring tears, sadness, etc to us. So why do we still persist in watching them again?

The same can be applied to your anger. You felt that you were mistreated at work, and hence your anger rises. Once the situation is over, what do you do? Do you let go of your anger?

Most people don't. Instead, what they do is to re-run the incident over and over again. But is there a point to it? By doing you, you are keeping yourself in suffering. You are keeping yourself in anger. (or in worry).
And you are the only one that is upset. Others have already let go and moved on. So why persist in keeping yourself in anger.

Let it go....you are only creating your own suffering by rewatching old movies.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Too much things, too many friends, too little time

How true is that?
Does it matter???

We always think that time flies. (Which is true in some ways). But we only say that after time has gone by. So instead of hindsight/retrospect, shouldnt we treasure each and every moment in our lives?

This entry isn't really about time or living in the present. I was thinking of those saying their farewells when they know they are dying. Would they think that there is still too much to do, too many friends to catch up with, but too little time???

But yet, why would it all matter, since everything is impermanent. And that the regret is due to attachment.
When and if we are not attached, than we can drop everything and leave anytime.

Afterall, even responsibility can be said to be a human construct, that we are conditioned to believe that we should be responsible. To things, to the people around us....

Coming soon - On 31st May 2009

Look out for the latest news!!!!
Good news I assure you

Why do I never do my best

This sure sounds like shooting myself in the foot. And maybe people who have worked with me might think/say otherwise. But there are definitely times where I felt that I have yet to give of my all. Or maybe I have too high expectations of myself.

But I was meditating the other day, or maybe daydreaming, when the "answer" came to me.

When you dont think something is important (or that impt), than most likely you wont put too much effort into it.

So maybe I can assume that I dont think I gave my best, simply because I dont think that work/activity, etc is that important to me, in the bigger scheme of things.

It might sound irresponsible to most, but I am very "satisfied" with my line of thought.
To me, it translate to the lack of attachment. The lack of attachment to outcomes, to events, to results, to my self worth, etc.

The lack of attachment is not something that will come as easily as anything else in life which you need to work hard for! Amituofo