Thursday, May 21, 2009

A must visit place - Crematorium

Before his talk (or maybe upon arrival), Ven Hyon Gak Sunim was given a tour around KMSPKS.
And he shared that his "favourite" Dharma Hall was the Crematorium.

It was an interesting (but right) perspective. When you really reflect on it, the crematorium is a showcase of impermanence, of death, and of non-attachment. Besides a cemetary, it might be the only place where those lessons can be driven home into you.

Gazing at the rows upon rows of tablets/urns of ashes, one cant help but ask oneself if that is it at the end of the day? Just an urn of ashes. Whatever happened to your wealth, to your body, to your career, to your house, or to your car???

There is truly nothing that you can take away with you. And no way to foretell when you are going to die. Since that is the case, why are we still so attached to the material, to the sensual pleasures, to those around us?

There is only just THIS SINGLE moment. No past, no future, and even the present is already the past, for it has passed.

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