Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gratitude to my beloved Teachers

Happy Teachers’ Day.
Tho I know that the many spiritual “teachers” in my life will not be reading my blog, I would still like to convey my thanks to them, for they have touched my life and gave me guidance when I needed it the most.

There shouldn’t be any differentiation, but I feel that the greatest thanks should go to Shakyamuni Buddha. He is the most important and greatest teacher that I could have/”had” in this lifetime, and I am immensely thankful that I had the chance still to learn from his teachings in this Dharma degenerating age.

While we still do celebrate teacher’s day, I cant help but feel that it is simply just a school holiday now, and students fail to fully appreciate their teachers. I should know, coz that was how I felt even when I was in school. We tend to take them for granted, and only realize the importance of the lessons that they were trying to impart when things go wrong or fail to live up to our expectations, often when we are older in age and in experience.

In some sense, I suppose people have to learn from their own mistakes. But the truly smart ones learn from others’ mistakes. Guess that makes me the dumb one ; )

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