That's what my mom said to me yesterday...
After dinner, she was passing me things to handle, and we were sitting on the floor.
I noticed a bug crawling along her leg and tried to sweep it off using a brochure. The bug ended on the floor....
But that too, was the end of it's life.
Wham! My mom squashed it by reflex.
Well, I must have had a sad or "hey" look on my face. That was when she gave me her offhanded quote:
"That's why I cant be a Buddha".
I was shell shocked at the moment, and couldnt think of anything to reply her with.
What could I have said? Plenty I supposed, but what was the right thing to say? I am still uncertain.
Could that really be why people are so far from enlightenment? That they do not think it is possible for them to ever one day attain Buddhahood?
But that is so far from the truth.
I fear I have not been a good enough daughter. IF I was, I would have told her that it is still and always possible to become a Buddha. I have not done my duty for my parents in this aspect, and it would be/is one of my biggest regret of my life.
Do not follow my example. Be ready to reply that, "No, everyone can become a Buddha!"
And be ever ready to share the Dharma with all who are ready to listen. Amituofo
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