Do you believe that obstacles are what makes you learn and grow? That obstacles are actually more useful and valuable than you think/can ever know?
When you face an obstacle, think about what it is trying to teach you, what you can learn out of it, how once it is resolved, can improve your life and bring you to the next level.
Once you have the correct mindset towards obstacles/challenges/hindrances, you can take it in a positive light, and nothing will ever get you down, and at the same time, you can gain more knowledge and wisdom. Isn't that a win-win?
Mara can be an external "devil", the external situations and circumstances that produces obstacles. However, i am more inclined to think of Mara as an "internal factor". Somewhere deep within you, is the knowledge that you need to transcend all those obstacles before you can progress and move on in life. Do not fear the unknown or the blockages. Instead, rise up to the challenges to build yourself the better life that you know you deserve.
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