Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Moral discipline - Discipline of any sort is hard

what should i say. i would think that the title itself is self-explanatory.

i have always been one who lacks discipline. even though i know the importance and benefits of being disciplined. there is just a stronger procrastination part of me that is continuously battling with my disciplined side.

to share on moral discipline, i think that it is the "category" that is hardest to achieve. it is already hard to get down to work or studying sometimes, much less the constant mindfulness of your moral conduct. every single word and action that arises from you, every thought before it becomes realised, all of that and more, should be processed with awareness and mindfulness. How often is it, that a single phrase that comes out of your mouth, or even mind, is hateful or hurting?

If you have the moral discipline, to be mindful and capable of filtering out the negative, think how beneficial it would be to the society and people around you. you would also benefit when it comes back to you, much less the wisdom that you can cultivate for yourself.

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