Is that how you often view the new year?
With fresh new hopes for the new year, thinking that you can redo/undo/do all the old and start on the new?
We hold a yearly gathering at our home, for a group of close university friends to share and close the old year, and write resolutions for the new.
Our new year resolutions parties have been going on for the past 6 years.
And as I reviewed all the resolutions written in the last 4/5 year, I found that it has a common thread, that Buddhism, spiritual development/cultivation has been placed first. And that over the years, I have still failed to achieve my "resolutions".
But now, I am at the stage where I can accept the "failure", that once again, I didnt achieve what I set out to do, which is to practice.
But it's ok. I have accepted that I am only human, that I make mistakes. The only mistake I will endeavor not to make, is to not learn from my mistakes.
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