Monday, January 10, 2011

Retreat bootcamp once again - CTS 2

I keep a diary, but I do not write often in it, but I always bring it around with me, in case of any sudden thoughts or insights. (Yes, I know I should invest in an iphone or smtg, but i find that the old fashioned way is still the best)

And of course, it went with me to Taiwan in Dec 2010 for the Amituofo retreat at Cheng Tian Si. During the retreat itself, I didnt take down any notes. Coz I was honestly unsure if that was allowed. That I can only focus on Amituofo, and not any of the other random thoughts that go across my mind.

But I took the chance at the airport while waiting for the return flight to quickly jot down all my thoughts and reflections from the retreat.

Looking at the last entry in the diary, I had to smile at myself, for it was also a Dec entry, dated from the year before, after 2009's retreat. It just shows, how long it had been since I wrote.

Anyway, I came back from the retreat with loads and loads of new insights, better understanding about myself and the environment, about my practice, etc.

Pls keep an eye out for my upcoming entries. I clocked over 20 last year for CTS (if I remembered correctly), and I think there will be a similar number this year (if not more)

Cheng Tian Chan Si is a temple off Taipei City, up on a hill, with beautiful scenery and wonderful energy.
But it is definitely right to call the retreat a boot camp, coz nothing in Singapore can prepare you for the kind of training that they are trying to install, the discipline that they enforce and wish to instill in each of the retreatants.

If I may go as far to say, it is worst than BMT (army training), simply coz there's noble silence and penalty badges. At least in BMT, you can bitch and complain to one another, have means to let go steam. When you have to be silent, everything is stored up inside, and if you are not good with self reflection or solitary moments, it could honestly be quite a hard time to get by. And the penalty badges. Well, that would depend on ur attitude towards the training....(I have an experience on that, share more later).

BUT all in all, it is a boot camp that I will willingly go for every year. Simply because it is GOOD! IT benefits me, and my practice.

Read my reflections to experience my learnings, and may you also learn and gain something from my lessons.
I would encourage all Pureland practitioners to GO for it!!!!


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