OF time.
Last year I had already blogged about the conservation of water, electricity, efforts of recycling.
But the most important commodity, that of TIME, is also not wasted at CTS.
At least that is the case for the monastics.
Even though they have their duties for the retreat, plus their normal duties and practices, etc, we can really observe that their mind and body, is solely focused on Amituofo.
Everywhere I turn, I can see examples of it. During break times, when the hall is mostly empty, the monastic on duty will still be at the info desk. But she will most likely be seated in a lotus position, silently chanting or meditating.
Even when the Venerable is walking around, I could see some holding their prayer beads and chanting.
It is really inspiring, to see that they have managed to really be mindful, and integrate Amituofo into their daily lives. And that is what we should aspire for.
We (if I may make such a generalisation) are really wasteful, of our time, our energy, our resources. Each single random thought, is a waste of time, and takes away another 阿弥陀佛.
Think of how much more 阿弥陀佛 there can be in our daily lives, if we were more mindful and concentrated.
The additional merits that we can dedicate to all sentient beings, that one step nearer to rebirth in Pureland.
We have much to lose when we waste our time.
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