Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ignorance is bliss?

I used to partially agree that ignorance can be blissful. but i beg to differ now, tho it would still depend on the level/type of ignorance, and maybe your preception of life on a whole.

there are a lot of levels to ignorance. there is ignorance about an issue/situation, ignorance about your family circumstances, ignorance in your whole life, as well as ignorance about ignorance. From different angles, the different types of ignorance can vary in terms of "importance".

personally, it is ignorance about ignorance that is the most scary. if you are ignorant about something, that something can turn around and cause you harm. but if you are ignorant about ignorance, where will that take you? if you do not know about something, you will never want to learn about it, much less correct it. It means that you will never know of ignorance, and continue to live your life in its current state. (which some might argue is all and well)

but if that ignorance is the cause of your suffering in the first place, wont you want to understand it and correct it?

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