Saturday, December 5, 2009

Whatever-ness 1

Of course there is no such word. And similiarly, everything that we know has the potential not to exist (ie it doesnt exist).

When I was in school, I was fond of asking why does 1+1=2. Why is it 2? And not 3 or 5 or 10?
Truly, can any mathematician answer my question? Roman numerals were developed ages ago, and adopted into practice. Who is to know or say if the founder/developer made a mistake, and it should be 135 instead of 123?

Maths, just like language, is only correct as far as the society which has adopted it sees it as right.

We are conditioned, limited and restricted by language and our knowledge. Just because there isn't a word to describe something, doesnt mean that it doesnt exist. We are only fooled into believing that it doesnt exist, because there is no word for it.

If that is the case, why do we still hold on to our pitiful language and lack of knowledge, yet think that we know or were taught everything. Arrogance should be unheard of, because there is no way you can know everything, and should you reach enlightenment like the Buddha, and have perfect wisdom, arrogance would never be present due to perfect compassion.

I just wanted to highlight that there are plenty that we have yet to comprehend from this wonderful universe of ours, and we should not think that we know all. Nor make wrong assumptions that what science or our political leaders say is true is the ultimate truth.

So, does whateverness exist? I would say yes.

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