Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Collection of suffering

I am a Pureland practitioner. And I want to practice the Bodhisattva path.
Is there a conflict? In my mind, there isn't. But some might think so.

Simply because Bodhisattvas typically return to "earth" in order to benefit other sentient beings, versus staying in Pureland to cultivate, which takes a much much longer time, due to the purity and conducive-ness of the environment.
When there is less suffering, we get much less fertilizers to practice and cultivate.

This is an issue that I have been thinking about, and I often question my own motivations.

I understand the need for suffering fertilizers, but I am still a young learner, and the fertilizers do not always work the way they should.

Maybe it is my own doubts and fears, that I will not always have the conditions to practice if I am reborn as a human, that I will regress and "forget" my aspirations to benefit other sentient beings.

Or it is my own mind justifying, that I will return to help others, when I have sufficient realisations, such that I will not regress.

In any case, I know what and why I chose the path I chose. A mixture of fear, of aspirations, of reliance on external assistance.


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