Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cause as a raindrop on the water surface

Went for a walk this morning, and it was raining.
Hiding under the shelter of trees, and standing facing a pond, I observed the raindrops falling on the water surface.

As expected, the raindrops created ripples when they landed on the water. How far reaching the ripples were depended on the size of the raindrop.

Are cause and effect the same? One single cause/action, no matter how small, can create ripples. How far flung will the reactions be?

I observed one particular raindrop (unless someone threw a stone without my notice), where the ripples practically covered over one-third the pond. And I was struck by the reach of a single raindrop. I supposed the same can be said about our actions. One tiny action, which might be trivial to you, has the potential to create a domino effect.

Does that not give you cause to be mindful of every single thought, word and action?

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