Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Karma means Action!

Read somewhere that the word Karma actually means Action.

When you think about it, it does make sense. There is cause and effect, action and re-action.
When you do something (action), it will bring about something else (re-action). So simply put. There is just ACTION.

That might be what karma really is.
So assuming that karma means action, what does it mean to your life?

Can i say that it means that action will never stop?

Yes, because every single action will lead to an re-action, which might lead to another re-action, and so now.

But if there is actually an end point for each action, like a wave that reaches the shore, where it is stopped (somewhat), than, there might be means to stop or reduce the re-action.

What we (pple who believe in karma) should do, is to change and find means to reduce/stop the re-action from happening (provided the re-action is a negative one). There must be the understanding and belief that your karma can be changed/improved for the better. To do/achieve good action that will stop or reduce the impact of the wave. To plant the seeds of good karma (like a coconut), so that when your wave of negative karma comes along, the impact will be reduced by the presence of the coconut tree. [maybe mangrove trees might be a better example]

In short, think about the re-action before each and every action!

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