Thursday, November 19, 2009

Time flies and Life is impermanent

In one of my earlier entries, i wrote that one of my "favourite" patient has passed on.
Just last week, I received an email about his 49th day (after passing on), where they will be having prayers, etc.

I was shocked at reading that email. Not that I didnt know he died, or anything like that. But the fact that the time flew by without me really noticing it. I was thinking "that's fast".

And that is how life often is. Moments flashes by without us being in that moment. And it is only in retrospect that we are awaken to that fact. That is truly a waste of time, on both ends.

"Life is impermanent" is a fact that cannot be changed. So why do we still linger on and put our attention either into the future or the past....


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