Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Buddhist Activist

Venerable was sharing that she hopes Buddhists will be more proactive to reach out and assist the population.

Does being a Buddhist and Activist conflict with each other? Can they mutually exist?

As a general rule, Buddhists tend (or try) to watch their speech, and might be slow to comment on the happenings in today’s world. They might have a view which is kept to themselves because they do not see the need to bring it up forcefully, or engage others to agree with them.
Or maybe because of the concept of karma, some might feel that action is not as necessary.

Yet I believe that we can be Buddhist Activist. (Sort of like the Dalai Lama) We can still push for change in a peaceful, positive manner. It will not be easy to achieve but if we hold the right principles of equanimity and respect for all, with the right motivation to aid all beings, step by step, we can still influence the society through leading/living as an example.

Of course operationally, it would be hard to get a group of Buddhist activist together, much less all to agree on the same principles, same intentions, same actions, same beneficiaries, etc…
But that being said, Buddhists care about all sentient beings, and we should try and give of our best in order to aid others and be a part of the change.

The first method of pushing for change is to be one yourself. Be the change you wish to see.

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