Saturday, June 12, 2010

3 step 1 bow

I went for my first 3 step 1 bow during Vesak, at Phor Kark See Monastery.
And wow, plenty of lessons learnt.

The lesson of patience
When i started queuing, it was around 1.30am. Think I only started on the process proper around 4am.

The lesson of perservance
By normal walking standards, the whole path will not take long. But when it is done with 3 steps and 1 bow, it is way way longer, and it is so easy to want to give up, or to keep thinking, when will I reach the end point.

The lesson of tolerance
With the long q, the huge no. of people, tolerance (and maybe compassion) comes into play. The slight pushing, overtaking, impatience, being stepped on...

The lesson of concentration
If one is fully focused on each prostration and the thought behind it, the level of concentration rises. And being concentrated on each prostration would probably bring more value for that action.

The lesson of the ego
I am ashamed to admit, that I didnt fully complete the 3 step 1 bow. And I was wearing shoes. Sigh. I have a weak ankle, and mid way (or less) thru the journey, I felt my ankle being strained/turned. And my mind told me, "it will not be fun if I twisted my ankle". And with that nagging thought, I "gave up", and didnt do the full prostration.
But just walking and doing a bows affected my concentration, and thoughts began to creep in.

The ego, the self won out in the end. But I will do better next time!

The lesson of awakened mind
I started around 4am, and ended ard 7am. The timing was marvelous. Starting in the dark, ending when the light has shining. The journey was sort of symbolic of the process of being awakened.

The purpose/aspiration
I can't guage what are the aspirations of others, or why they wish to participate in the 3 step 1 bow. But I can share mine. With each step that I take, with each 南无本师释迦摩尼佛 recited, I thank the Buddha for his teachings, and make the aspiration to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.

I will urge everyone to give 3 steps 1 bow a try, with the proper motivations. It is a lesson well worth learning!

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