Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Are we up to that level

Expectations can be a very frightening thing...

We try to cultivate, but we expect so much, so fast, but that is not how it works...
Cultivation and practice truly takes time, patience, and effort (of course RIGHT EFFORT).

IF we are not at that level yet, there is no need to torture ourselves too much.
I used to feel disappointed and disillusioned whenever my practice is not up to what I expected.

But over time, as I understood more, I have allowed myself a little slack once in a while. Coz we are still humans afterall. We are not enlightened ones, so there will be defilements, there will be obstacles, there will be times when we expect too much from ourselves.

As long as our motivations are pure, as long as we are working towards the end goal of liberation, of benefiting other sentient beings, and we hold those aspirations and thoughts in our mind, I say we practice at a level that is comfortable for ourselves.

While we need to keep moving forward and progressing on our path towards enlightenment, walk the middle path. Take a break when you are tired.

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