Sunday, June 13, 2010

Seeking shelter from the rain

Went out today, and it was raining. By the time I hit my destination, it was pouring.
So it was a sigh of relief when I entered the shopping mall.
The mall represented a "refuge" from the rain. A place to be dry and comfortable, a place where the rain doesnt reach.
Yet, I will still need to go home at the end of the day.

so as I walked into the mall, the above thoughts flashed across my mind.
And I suddenly related it to the Triple Gems, to Pureland, to temples, to our Dharma classes.

The temples we visit, the Dharma classes we attend, even the concept of Pureland. Those are but temporary refuges,
temporary places where we can rest, where we can learn. But ultimately, at the end of the day, we would still need to go home.

And home in this case, can refer to the Triple Gems, to enlightenment.
If we keep running, if we are always out, if we never understand or know where is home, we will forever be looking out for shelter, for a place of refuge.

May we all know where to rest our feet, where our "end point" will be, that of enlightenment, and refuge in the Triple Gems.

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