Wednesday, March 10, 2010

借福 - CTS 29

One thing I learnt at CTS, was e "concept" of 借福.

And I firmly believe that that is e mindset that the current generation lacks.
It is nothing new but seldom practiced.

If we knew how to treasure resources and not be wasteful nor take for granted, the world might be in a better state than that which we see today. It is not hard to prevent wastage. At CTS, we flush e toilet using laundry water. Wastage during dish washing is minimized using big tubs for rinsing. Recycling is encouraged.

There are many ways to respect and treasure our resources but sometimes we take it for granted.

If you believe in samsara, than you might return to suffer in e future where resources are scarce or where even e air is so polluted that you can't breathe properly. Just because u need it now, doesn't mean that you can't share or that it will never run out.

If we can minimize our self cherishing attitude and think for others or our future generation, the world will be a much better place to live in.
In addition you are creating merits as well as conditions for yourself to enjoy e resources in future!

借福 is a good practice that we should build up and inculcate in our people today.

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