Thursday, March 4, 2010

The road oft taken

I was walking to the bus stop few streets away the other day. And before I left the house, I was thinking to myself, that I would take a different route that is seemingly shorter today.

And so I walked, crossed one street, down one pavement...
before I realised that I had already turned down the path that I have taken every day, and not the one that I had planned.

It really shocked me, coz I was planning on that other more scenic route, but by force of habit, my feet took me down the same old trodden path.

And it came to me, that our habitual tendencies, our force of habits, are so so strong, that it will take a massive effort to change them.

Is that a good or bad "realisation"?
I can only say it is timely reminder.
To remind that everything requires an effort. And often the most important things require a stronger and more concentrated effort.

It is hard to put the Dharma into practice, as our habits come into play and the new lessons are forgotten. But we got to keep trying, to incorporate Buddhist wisdom and practices into our daily lives.

May we have the wisdom and fortitude to take the path less travelled, with mindful and right effort.

1 comment:

  1. The answer is in your hands. You have realized that habit take time to develope or to change. So, just practice more. It take every brick to build a wall. And it is never too late to start!
