Friday, January 1, 2010

Alone with your thoughts

I used to think that it was a good thing to be alone with one's thoughts. For reflecting and thinking can do wonders for self awareness, etc.

But now I beg to differ. Because it can actually be very dangerous to let your thoughts run amok within your mind, especially when you have no control over it.

I was sitting and meditating, when my thoughts started to flow. And most of the time, we do not have control over our thoughts. OR rather, we do not understand or know of enough to control our thoughts.

Thoughts are in some sense, not important, because they do not teach or allow you to focus on the present moment. There is a strong emphasis on the past or the future. We can plan for the future, but there is no need to be attached to it.

Do think twice in future when you say you want to spend thing alone. Yes u may do so, but be wary of the random and harmful thoughts that are not beneficial to you!

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